Hello there.

Rose is a pen name.

The books are written on paper, in the early part of the morning. The stories show up like dreams with morning coffee, and I write with a fountain pen, filled with blue, violet or emerald ink. Writing these books is like watching a film play out in my head, and in between books, I miss the characters and the invisible places.

The first book was written very quickly; the draft complete within 40 days: Lent of 2022. The second book started to show up before the draft for the first was complete. These books are stories, structured as mysteries, because it allows these thoughts to be shared with a wider audience.

The books are about the spiritual realities behind the everyday, and the literary decorations of synesthesia, auras, invisible beings and hidden symbols are not fantasy, though they will be accepted more readily as such. Peacemaking and Truthseeking are the centering philosophies. How else does one transform lead into gold?